When I first introduced my blog, I mentioned that I also work for a local church called UBC Miami. Well, UBC recently went through a name change and is now known as Christ Journey Church. And one of the roles I play at the Christ Journey is to help plan events where women can connect to a community of other women, we call that Breathe. What’s Breathe?
BREATHE – a celebration for women to relax, connect, and be challenged. And you’re invited!
Breathe Women’s Dinner with Breakout Sessions!
Friday • Nov. 30 • 7-9p • 624 Anastasia Ave. • FJ Theater
(Doors open at 6:30) Register today for only $20. Dinner is included.
Purchase your tickets here!
Join us Friday, Nov. 30, as we gather for our Breathe women’s dinner & partner with Wellspring Counseling. We’ll offer different breakout sessions to help us learn more about the the “layers” of a woman. Come and get tips from licensed counselors on topics like emotional health, improving your self-esteem, dealing with loss, and learning boundaries.
Breakout Session Details:
Doing Life Differently: Emotional Health
Presented by: Christine Schlottman, LMHC & CTS,
Enjoying good emotional health enables us to better handle many of the challenges that we face in life. This presentation will offer practical suggestions on how to experience emotional healing, and in return, live in greater freedom in our relationships with God, ourselves, and others.
Finding My True Self: Practical Ways to Improve Self-Esteem
Presented by: Heather Hendry, MHC and Marisol Weaver, MHC
A discussion of the origins of our identity, self-worth, and how we can apply God’s word and clinical counseling methods to make healthy adjustments.
Moving Through Loss: Drawing Nearer to God
Presented by: Kay Gackle, MFT and Vicki Gray, LCSW
Loss is one of the hardest things a human being can endure, whether it is loss of a loved one, a relationship, a job, a home, your health or anything else of deep value. Amidst the pain and confusion, lies untapped, unimaginable joy and peace. Together we will discover how God’s truth and love can transform the hurt into healing.
Stop the Madness! How Boundaries Help Create Peace
Presented by: Sally Livingston, LMFT
Understanding and learning to establish healthy boundaries is a vital part of a peaceful and intentional life. Learn how boundaries can help foster better relationships, find more enjoyment in life and and give you the ability to do more than “just get by” day-to-day.
Hope to see you there. You can expect a delicious meal and some quality girl talk!
Want to be eligible to win free tickets for you and a friend? Share the post on your facebook or Twitter and let us know you did it in a comment below, be sure to use the hash tag #breathe. Winners will be announced Thursday, Nov. 29.
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