To run or not to run, that is the question?
A few months back, I mentioned that I signed up for a full marathon this year. (I’ve ran a total of 3 half-marathons, I figured it’s now or never.) Well, it’s that time of year when I decide to just run and start my training, or not run nor train at all. Yikes!
At this point, I’d like to start telling you reasons why I don’t want to run the race. But instead, I’ll fight the urge and tell you how training for it shouldn’t be all that bad… So let’s do this together?
5 things you should know about marathon training:
1. Training will take time and dedication. Be ready to persevere. Whether you’re thinking of training for a half or a full, training will take a lot of time. Be patient and find a friend that can train alongside you, it helps if he/she runs at your same pace.
2. To get the best results, be sure to incorporate cross-training and core strengthening into your week. Strengthening all of your muscles is key during such a time, find a training schedule that is right for you! You can find tons of training guides online. A good training plan will require a minimum of 3-4 days of running and two days of cross/strength training. Start slow and build up your mileage weekly.
3. Be sure to always stay hydrated and be conscious about refueling your body. Running will hep your body burn calories, but replacing your body’s energy and nutrients with good sugars and carbohydrates is a must! Therefore, maintaining a balanced diet is a pivotal part of good training. What you put in it is what you’ll get out.
4. Prevent injury by running with the right gear. It is very common for runners to experience injury while training. To avoid this, you can take an at-home wet test, visit a bio-mechanics expert or an experienced shoe retailer. There are three basic foot types: flat, normal, and high arches. Depending on your step and foot type, your shoe may need to be reinforced with cushion, stability or motion control.
5. Runners really do experience a runner’s high. There may be times where you’ll want to quit and it will seem as though you’ve “hit the wall.” But if you push through it, soon to follow is that “runner’s high,” a state of euphoric joy that athletes experience after a vigorous workout. Your body has done what you never thought you could, you’ve accomplished your goal and the finish line awaits!
[…] Rise and grind. Start your day with an early workout. Trust, me I know that can take some getting used to but the good thing about getting an early-morning workout is that it fuels you for the remainder of the day. Afterward, you’re free to roam and plan your day as needed. (I seriously have no idea how I used to wake up at 6am back in the day during my marathon training days.) […]